3M™ Scotchlite™ fluorescent lemon yellow reflective fabric 8987 NFPA for safety clothing, such as firefighting garments and flame-resistant workwear, requiring a high degree of daytime and night-time visibility.
3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material 8987 helps to enhance the visibility in low-light and nighttime conditions. It's designed for safety clothing, such as firefighting garments and flame-resistant workwear, requiring a high degree of daytime and night-time visibility. The material shines white when illuminated, even if the wearer is at the roadside. It meets various global high-visibility standards such as ISO 20471 for combined material and exceeds the minimum reflections values required at the highest performance level, thus greatly improving the visibility of people. 3M Scotchlite Reflective Material 8987 consists of high-precision glass beads bonded to a durable, inherently flame-resistant 100% cotton fabric. It is characterized by a high degree of heat resistance, does not affect the flame-retardant properties of the garment, and it's renowned for its good long-term flame resistance as per EN 469. 3M pioneered the science of retroreflection in 1939. Since then, we strive to make the world a safer, more visible place for all.
Zahvaljujemo na interesu za 3M. Kako biste nam pomogli da učinkovito upravljamo Vašim upitom i odgovorimo na njega, ljubazno Vas molimo da navedete neke ključne podatke, uključujući Vaše podatke za kontakt. Podaci koje navedete služiti će kako bismo mogli odgovoriti na Vaš zahtjev putem e-pošte ili telefona od strane predstavnika tvrtke 3M ili jednog od naših ovlaštenih poslovnih partnera s kojima bismo mogli podijeliti Vaše osobne podatke, a u skladu s pravilima privatnosti tvrtke 3M.
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