3M™ Vehicle Marking Tapes Series 957S are designed for application to curtain sided vehicles for increased visibility. The 957S segmented tape provides excellent reflectivity and brightness. Guaranteed for three years. Conforms to UNECE 104 requirements. Available in yellow, white and red.
3M offers a range of homologated retroreflective marking tapes that carry the compulsory "E-mark" and meet all the requirements of regulation ECE104. All of the marking tapes are classified as C-class, meaning they are the brightest markings permitted by the regulations.
Zahvaljujemo na interesu za 3M. Kako biste nam pomogli da učinkovito upravljamo Vašim upitom i odgovorimo na njega, ljubazno Vas molimo da navedete neke ključne podatke, uključujući Vaše podatke za kontakt. Podaci koje navedete služiti će kako bismo mogli odgovoriti na Vaš zahtjev putem e-pošte ili telefona od strane predstavnika tvrtke 3M ili jednog od naših ovlaštenih poslovnih partnera s kojima bismo mogli podijeliti Vaše osobne podatke, a u skladu s pravilima privatnosti tvrtke 3M.
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